This news outlines impacts on and necessary actions for energy efficiency certification following ship modifications.
To maintain compliance, any ship undergoing changes that affect its EEXI and/or EEDI may need to recalculate these.
Under MARPOL Annex VI (Regulation 5.4), the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and, if relevant, the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), must be recalculated and surveyed on board in the event of a major conversion, as defined in Regulation 2.2.17.
A major conversion includes:
• Any substantial change in hull dimensions or capacity, except a decrease of assigned freeboard if no other alterations to the ship structure are made.
• Any substantial increase in total engine power for propulsion (5% or more).
• A change of the MARPOL ship type as noted on the International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC).
• A conversion intended to substantially prolong the life of the ship.
• Significant modifications that would require the ship to meet new requirements as if it were newly built.
• Any substantial alterations impacting energy efficiency, such as modifications that could cause the ship to exceed the applicable required EEXI or EEDI (if relevant).
If it is unclear whether a conversion is considered major, the flag administration will have the final say. For typical scenarios that may constitute a major conversion, please see the table below: