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FuelEU Maritime Monitoring Plan

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FuelEU Maritime Monitoring Plan 02.08.2024 23:10



FuelEU monitoring plan, which sets out the methods for monitoring and reporting the amount of energy (fuel type and consumption) used by ships during voyages and at berth should be prepared and submitted it to Verifier by 31 August 2024.

In accordance with this regulation, ISM companies having ships above 5,000 gross tonnage calling at ports within the jurisdiction of EEA Member States for transporting passengers or cargo for commercial purposes, regardless of their Flag State, are required to develop FuelEU monitoring plan, which sets out the methods for monitoring and reporting the amount of energy (fuel type and consumption) used by ships during voyages and at berth and submit it to verifier by 31 August 2024.

FuelEU WorkFlow

The submitted FuelEU monitoring plans will be verified by the verifier by 31 December 2024.

Please pay a special attention to that the responsible entity for the FuelEU Maritime Regulation is always the ISM company of the ships concerned. Therefore, FuelEU monitoring plan should also be submitted by the ISM company. This is different from the EU-ETS, where either the registered owner or the ISM company is the responsible entity.

(The mandate document required under the EU-ETS is not required under the FuelEU Maritime Regulation.)



International requirements on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are currently high in focus of Port State Control (PSC). The EIAPP certification of engines and the maintenance of records have resulted in several PSC detentions.


The company IBICON offers you information on new ship posters.


BIMCO has announced the approval of the AUTOSHIPMAN agreement by its Documentary Committee.


IACS has decided to launch its own CIC to record results of testing of emergency power supply on individual ships


This news outlines impacts on and necessary actions for energy efficiency certification following ship modifications.

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