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    10000 completed projects
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    Optimal terms of work from 8 hours
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    15-year experience and high qualification of our experts
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    Turnkey solutions for shipping
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    Over 500 clients from 200 regions

SMS (ISM Code)

In 1993 IMO adopted the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (the ISM Code) and the Code became mandatory in 1998. Recalling resolution A.741(18) by which the Assembly adopted the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code), IMO adopted on 23 November 1995 resolution A.788(19) on Guidelines on  implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code by Administrations. 

ISM Code-2018

The ISM Code was amended in December 2000 by resolution MSC.104(73), and these amendments entered into force on 1 July 2002. It was further amended in December 2004 by resolution MSC.179(79), and these amendments entered into force on 1 July 2006. It was further amended in May 2005 by resolution MSC.195(80), and these amendments entered into force on 1 January 2009.  The ISM Code was also amended in December 2008 by resolution MSC.273(85). This resolution was adopted on 1 January 2010, and the amendments entered into force on 1 July 2010. The Code was further amended in June 2013 by resolution MSC.353(92) and these amendments entered into force on 1 January 2015.

ISM Code редакции-ENG

Our company has prepared an interactive text of ISM Code in compact PDF version:

ISM Code

Development of Modular SMS

Based on our experience in the development, implementation and updating of the SMS, IBICON offers practical solutions in the field of the SMS construction. In accordance with paragraph 1.2.3 the ISM Code, the SMS must provide:
.1 compliance with mandatory rules and regulations; and
.2 that applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization, Administrations, classification societies and Maritime industry organizations are taken into account.

Consequently, monitoring and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the international and national regulatory framework relating to shipping is one of the main objectives of the SMS.
Given the fact that changes and amendments to the ISM Code, refer to IMO resolution etc. recommendations in the framework of the ISM Code, our company offers a Modular SMS. Each Module (section) of the proposed SMS contains the requirements of a particular paragraph the ISM Code.

Принципы работы модульной СУБ-ENG

The documentation provides for the division of documents into shore and ship sets. In developing the provisions of international conventions, the provisions of a specific module are developed in accordance with IMO resolutions and the recommendations of the Maritime industry.
For example, the requirements of IMO resolution A. 893(21) "Guidelines for voyage planning" refers to the section 7 of the ISM Code "Shipboard Operations". Requirements of IMO resolution A. 1072(28) refers to the section 8 of the ISM Code "Emergency Preparedness".


The structure of the Modular SMS is clearly shown in the figure below:

Модульная СУБ-ENG-no Ship

The benefits of Modular SMS implementing:

  • ensuring compliance with mandatory rules and regulations, as well as the recommendations of the marine industry;
  • ease of adjustment and modernization of the SUB modules;
  • the existence of regulatory links in modules SUB in external regulatory documents;
  • application in the SMS guidelines of the IMO, IACS and other organizations of the marine industry;
  • traceability and history of changes;
  • avoidance of duplication of procedures in SMS;
  • facilitating the passage of SMS-audits to inspection organizations;
  • systematization and integration with the requirements of the ISM Code;
  • adaptation to any new changes;
  • adaptation to automation and further integration into computer information system;
  • information support for users on new requirements with the release of periodic releases and additions.

The IMO has adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex VI which introduce three (3) new Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) for nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur oxides (SOx).


Please find enclosed the proposals for an oversight mechanism for MASS and associated ROC(s) called Remote Operation Management (ROM).


IBICON Company has created this guidance paper to support shipowners’ decision-making in connection with recycling their end-of-life ships.

These news outline the regulatory background, recent IMO discussions, and recommended actions for ship operators to address potential issues with engine room escape arrangements.
8th March Celebrating Women’s Day
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