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Asbestos Management Plan

In order to help ship owners and operators understand how to deal with asbestos on board their ships and fleets and ultimately achieve compliance with maritime asbestos regulations from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) our Company IBICON suggest You the present Information.

The 2015 Guidelines for the Development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials, Resolution MEPC.269 (68), have been adopted by the MEPC 68 meeting and supersede Resolution MEPC.197 (62) published in 2011.

SOLAS regulation II-1/3-5: From 1 January 2011, for all ships, new installation of materials which contain asbestos shall be prohibited.


The Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) is intended to comply with Regulation 5 of the Hong Kong Convention (Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships). Essentially, the IHM is an inventory of materials present in a ship’s structure, systems and equipment that may be hazardous to health or the environment. Prior to recycling, details of additional hazards in stores and wastes are added and the document can then be used to help an authorized recycling facility formulate a safer and more environmentally sound plan for decommissioning the ship.



Scope of Shipboard Asbestos Management Plan is to provide guidance on the management and protection by asbestos and other hazardous materials.

IBICON offers you services in the development of the following documents:

1. Shipboard Asbestos Management Plan;

2. Inventory of Hazardous Materials Manual.

Asbest Yes-No


IMO list of areas where asbestos may be found on ships:

IMO list of areas where asbestos may be found on ships


This news outlines impacts on and necessary actions for energy efficiency certification following ship modifications.

Upcoming changes to mandatory statutory regulations and instruments of IMO and ILO Legislation

The IMO has adopted the amendment to the current circular relating to the Ballast Water Management
(BWM) Convention as follow: IMO – BWM.2/Circ.80/Rev.1 – 2024 Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting (adopted on 24 October 2024)


This statutory news outlines the next steps to prepare for the EU ETS, and updates to the EU MRV Monitoring Plan.


New MARPOL discharge rules for Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. From 1 January 2025, new restrictions will be applied to ships regarding the discharge of garbage, oil, and oily mixtures within the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Special Areas

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