IACS has decided to launch its own CIC to record results of testing of emergency power supply on individual ships.
This inspection campaign will be held for 12 months commencing from 1 January 2025 and ending 31 December 2025 and examine the Emergency Power Supply of the ship. A ship will be subject to only one inspection under this CIC during the period of the IACS campaign.
It is reminded that the controlled blackout test may be accomplished by opening the Main Switch Board (MSB) / MCR bus-tie (aka transfer line) circuit breaker, while the switch is in normal mode and operation switches are in auto such as to be in a sea-going state.
The attached checklist is issued for the surveyors to collect information and for the responsible crew on board to check preventively the apparent condition of compliance, awareness and preparedness of the ship for a potential, expected or consecutive Port State Control inspection:
Any “NO” answer to a check point is to be dealt with without any delay by immediate rectification on board OR prior to vessel departure OR at first next opportunity in case of lack of facilities and supplies on board and in present port, by recording action planning by Master & Company in a recommendation endorsed in the relevant certificate by the attending surveyor.