Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Given the fact that changes and amendments to the ISM Code, refer to IMO resolution etc. recommendations in the framework of the ISM Code, our company offers a Modular SMS. Each Module (section) of the proposed SMS contains the requirements of a particular paragraph the ISM Code.

Модульная СУБ-ENG-no Ship-bez fona

Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP)

To simplify the requirement of the control of ballast water problem, a Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP) was introduced by IBICON which was to be used and implemented on board sailing vessels entering international waters.

Ballast_water_en_svg-bez fona

EU MRV Monitoring Plan

In order to ensure compliance, our company offers you services for the preparation of ship CO2 emission monitoring plans for your vessels.

In accordance with EU Regulation 2015/757 (EU Regulation), which comes into force on 01.01.2012, each vessel over 5000 GT engaged in commercial transport and entering European ports will be obliged to monitor and report the necessary information on carbon dioxide emissions.

Polar Code-bez fona-DNV

Polar Code

In order to ensure that your vessels comply with the requirements of the Polar Code, IBICON offers services for the development of shipboad documentation for vessels operated in Polar Waters:

  • Operational Assessment;

  • Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM).

Polar Code Titul-sm

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specialist will contact you
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Our advantages
  • 1
    10000 completed projects
  • 2
    Optimal terms of work from 8 hours
  • 3
    15-year experience and high qualification of our experts
  • 4
    Turnkey solutions for shipping
  • 5
    Over 500 clients from 200 regions
Polar Code

IBICON offers You services on development of ship documentation for vessels operating in Polar Waters

Safety Management System

Given the fact that changes and amendments to the ISM Code, refer to IMO resolution etc. recommendations in the framework of the ISM Code, our company offers a Modular SMS.

Safety Posters

Our Company offers You our shipboard Safety Posters. 

Ship Registartion

We provide services for registration of ships, issuance of ship's Convention certificates and certificates for seafarers.

Promotions and Discounts

All regular customers a special offer on the cost of our work.

When ordering from the site discounts of 5%!!!

IBICON consulting company

Dear colleague! 

The IBICON company is a recognized leader in the field of consulting services. We improve the efficiency of industries, companies and government organizations. We help our clients to effectively reduce risks and speed up their business, making it more reliable and productive. 





We strive to be the most competitive and efficient consulting company in the world. Our company constantly improves, increasing our knowledge and competences, for the purpose of rendering services of the highest quality to our clients. 





Professionalism, passion, business ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and creativity help us accomplish our mission. We are guided by these values in everything we do for our customers.

The main goal of our company is individual approach to our customers and providing turn-key service that allows us:

  • to provide services of the highest quality;

  • to optimize turnaround time;

  • to solve non-standard problems;

  • reduce your financial costs.


About our logo: 

Our logo includes both the name of the Сompany and Trademark:



Company name IBICON is the acronym for Intellectual Business and CONsulting.




Trademark (in Logo between the letters С and N):


The upper part of the Trademark symbolically depicts the letters I (Intelligent) and B (Business) in the form of sails (green) and flag (blue).



Colors characterize:

Blue - safety of navigation;

Green - pollution prevention.


The lower part of the Trademark symbolically depicts consulting services - the lines on the sheets of the ship's documentation being developed.



Our slogan under logo SOLUTIONS FOR SHIPPING emphasizes our focus on working with the shipping companies.


Please find enclosed the proposals for an oversight mechanism for MASS and associated ROC(s) called Remote Operation Management (ROM).


IBICON Company has created this guidance paper to support shipowners’ decision-making in connection with recycling their end-of-life ships.

These news outline the regulatory background, recent IMO discussions, and recommended actions for ship operators to address potential issues with engine room escape arrangements.
8th March Celebrating Women’s Day
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published its annual Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2024/2025
Our partners
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Газпромнефть Шиппинг
18, Bumazhnaya Str., Saint Petersburg, 190020, Russia