New important set of amendments to the MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024.
These amendments aim at further improving working and living conditions at sea and address some of the key challenges faced by seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some of these amendments require actions by the Member States, whilst others are to be applied by the MLC Shipowner.
Shipowners are advised to review their processes in relation to the following:
- Standard A3.1 and Guideline B3.1.11: Make sure that recreational facilities on board include social connectivity, adapted to the special needs of seafarers, including reasonable access to ship-to-shore telephone communications, where available, and internet access. Any charges for the use of these services being reasonable in amount.
- Standard A3.2: Provide food and drinking water free of charge and make sure that meals provided are nutritious, balanced, of sufficient quantity and quality. Food is to be prepared in hygienic conditions and with regard to the religious and cultural practices of the seafarers on board.
- Standard A4.3: Make sure that all seafarers are provided with appropriately sized personal protective equipment as a means to prevent occupational accidents, injuries and diseases on board.
- Appendix A2-1 & Appendix A4-1: The certificate(s) or other documentary evidence of financial security required under Standard A2.5.2 and A4.2.1 may now include the name of the registered owner of the ship instead of, and if different to, the name of the shipowner.
In order to ensure that Your vessels comply with the new MLC-2006 requirements, we offer development and updating services for your MLC documentation.
Texts adopted/Amendments to the Code of the MLC...