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Ballast Water Record-keeping and Reporting

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Ballast Water Record-keeping and Reporting 17.02.2024 17:58

The IMO has released Circular BWM.2/Circ.80 – Guidance on ballast water record-keeping and reporting. The circular aims to bring clarity to the record-keeping and reporting process under the BWM Convention, including guidance on completing the Ballast Water Record Book.

Ballast Water Record Book is intended for ship crews, explains how ballast water operations should be recorded by making mandatory entries in the Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB). Each operation concerning ballast water shall be fully recorded chronologically as per completion without delay in the Ballast Water Record Book:

Ballast Water Record Book entries-1

The circular contains an example ballast water reporting form (BWRF) together with instructions for completing it. A BWRF may be submitted prior to entry into a port State that requires specific information regarding the management of ballast water on ships bound for its ports, offshore terminals or anchorage areas:

Ballast water reporting form

Voluntary tank-by-tank log intended for ship crews, explains how to maintain voluntary tank-by-tank records of ballast water operations that may facilitate completion of a BWRF by allowing the crew to efficiently track the contents of each tank and hold that carries ballast water. Maintaining these voluntary records may also assist the ship in documenting and demonstrating that the requirements of the Convention have been met:



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