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EU MRV Regulation amended to support EU-ETS requirements

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EU MRV Regulation amended to support EU-ETS requirements 27.10.2024 01:20

This statutory news outlines the next steps to prepare for the EU ETS, and updates to the EU MRV Monitoring Plan.

From 1 January 2025, the amended EU MRV regulations will extend to general cargo vessels with a gross tonnage (GT) of 400 to 5000 and offshore vessels of 400 GT and above. The European Commission (EC) is currently discussing future guidance documents to support stakeholders in meeting MRV obligations in relation to offshore ship emissions. In this statutory news, DNV shares its expertise on EU MRV compliance and provides insights for the newly affected companies.

EU ETS-ship

The overall purpose of EU MRV emissions collection and reporting is to assess the environmental impact of maritime transport and to serve as a basis for the EU ETS and Fuel EU Maritime regulations.

The EU MRV and the EU ETS are now integrated, and emissions data from the existing EU MRV is the basis for the EU ETS. Even though the EU ETS is not yet mandatory for ships smaller than 5000 GT, general cargo and offshore ships of 400 to 5000 GT will most likely be included from 2027. The EU MRV MP is the basis for the EU ETS, in the following way:
Starting in 2025, the shipping company must submit verified aggregated emissions data at the company level to the administering authority by 31 March of each year. This data is to be based on the MRV Emissions Reports for the previous year. In practice, this means the ship’s Emissions Report needs to be verified and submitted a month earlier, at the latest, than under the current MRV system.
From 2025, the deadline for a verified EU MRV Emissions Report submission to the EC will be 31 March, instead of 30 April. After successful verification of the fleet, MRV Emission Reports and the Company Emission Verification Report containing all the fleet’s EU ETS scope emissions must be submitted to the administering authority by 31 March each year .


Our Shipping consultancy company IBICON suggest You the following services:

  • Create your Monitoring Plan (MRV MP);
  • Upload your MRV emission data today to check the quality and ensure the correct reporting method before the deadline in January 2025;
  • For new MRV customers, you will get access to the MRV reporting template, which will allow us to pre-verify your data quality for the remainder of 2024.


International requirements on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are currently high in focus of Port State Control (PSC). The EIAPP certification of engines and the maintenance of records have resulted in several PSC detentions.


The company IBICON offers you information on new ship posters.


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