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Guidelines for Control of Operational Requirements

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Guidelines for Control of Operational Requirements 12.05.2024 09:39

Guideline is solely drafted for the purpose of providing guidance to the PSCO in performing a PSC inspection on the subject matter. 

The goal of the guidance is to provide Port State Control Officers with procedures how to carry out operational controls including drills. 

The guidance is applicable for operational controls carried out during an inspection on ships.

Fire Drill

Operational controls, including drills, should be planned, organised and performed in accordance with relevant shipboard requirements so that the recognised risks are minimised. The on-board SMS should detail this.

A suggested standard scenario which could be adapted to various types of vessel consists of four phases – e.g.:
.1 incident Stage - A fire report or alarm received on the bridge and acted upon by an incident party;
.2 fire Alarm - The incident progresses to a major fire which requires the ship to deploy fire, boundary cooling, evacuation and closing down parties;
.3 muster - Personnel should be mustered at some time to be determined by the master, lifeboats should be prepared and;
.4 abandon Ship – The fire fighters should withdraw and the crew abandon ship. Lifeboats/rafts should be lowered and sent away.



International requirements on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are currently high in focus of Port State Control (PSC). The EIAPP certification of engines and the maintenance of records have resulted in several PSC detentions.


The company IBICON offers you information on new ship posters.


BIMCO has announced the approval of the AUTOSHIPMAN agreement by its Documentary Committee.


IACS has decided to launch its own CIC to record results of testing of emergency power supply on individual ships


This news outlines impacts on and necessary actions for energy efficiency certification following ship modifications.

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